Thursday, February 14, 2008

School started again! I was going to take chemistry and biology but many things got in the way... could not add, needed chemistry for biology and bla bla bla..Well after I sat in chemistry for 6 hours on the first day of school and talked to the professor after class I burst into tears.(after I left his office) The teacher would not add me and I was falling apart. I was trying to get into Davis as soon as possible and I already felt set back from not going to school last semester. I was quite angry that things were not working out my way. I went to the counselor to set up a plan instead of going home to cry. Well...the final decision after talking with her for 2 days and a couple of hours was to forget about Davis and go to Sac state. I was going to drop the horticulture thing. As i was picking out my classes in preparation for Sac state i stated to think about horticulture classes. I began to cry as I saw pest management, Plant Id, auto cad for landscapes and propagation. I cried to myself, "I want to be a horticulturist!" So I decided to take the classes that makes my heart sing. Here I am next to a Holly. I love learning new plants. Every week we have a quiz on new plants. On their name and cultural needs. I have never been so happy to do my homework. I have been having so much fun with my classes and I am glad that I am enjoying school so much. I dont think I would be saying the same about chemistry and biology.

So this picture does not really show how much my hair has grown as well as i would like it to, but it really has! I actually got the curling iron out on Sunday and flipped out my sides! It was amazing to actually attempt the womanly world of tools for beauty enhancement.
It is nice though to not have to do much with my hair. It pretty much is what it is.

I came home from school one day and decided it was the perfect day to put a garden hat on and go for a walk in the woods! I packed up my homework, random books and paint and
walked right into bliss. As a child to be I would be found gallivanting here among the swollen streams and grass covered terrain.
It was so nice to take a breather and remeber the sweet things in life. I enjoyed wonderful conversations with Kai my nephew. We watched the cows graze in the distance. Earlier that day a cow got out and we had to coax the cow back over the fence. It was a sight to see. Especially when it went out into the road and there was 4-6 cars trying to put this big girl in her right place. It seemed like the whole neighborhood was out! It was just running down Olive ranch rd. and I was in my car trying to block it with another womans help in her car and then I would get out and try to scare it back up the street. I always loved doing this. Chasing cows is fun! After that eventful moment I nestled down to homework and the sunshine.
Spring is on its way. Soon I am going to get the garden ready. It is time to plant seeds inside for all those garden lovers! Kill those weeds in the old garden by putting a plastic down, and after amend the soil for some delicious home grown vegies and fruit! Only a few more weeks of potential frost! I cant wait to pop cherry tomatoes in my mouth as I pull weeds! LOVE IT!! Oh and if you dont have a garden spot then make a container garden. It is just as great and yields the same great summer vegies.