Sunday, May 11, 2008

Girlfriend Parties

Recently some of my girlfriends have been getting together a lot lately. I have loved every minute of it. Anne(in blue) had a party and I was only going to stay for an hour and I ended up being there till 1 in the morning. This was supposed to be my Home work night. All I did was a bunch of giggling! The next night when I was doing my homework I felt the affects of not doing the night before. I could not help but smile and think of 20 some year old girls laughing like 13 year olds! I had a blast and finished my school work and took my tests with out a problem!
Yes, so school is out and I am ready for the summer!
I have lots of exciting hopes and dreams this summer. These are things that I love to do and didnt get to do them last summer. So I am excited to have energy and the ability to do some of the most simple things!I am so excited to do all of them...
Paint landscapes with my sister
practice the piano(I cant for the life of me play the left hand)
have a beautiful garden new job? spend time with my family
go hiking go camping have free time! read play at the river and lake
Possibly visit family in Ohio for a few weeks.....yeah I have to look into that. I am a little strapped to work for health insurance. I have to do some research to see what I can do. Life is good!


Shelsi said...

Alena! You look so cute! Sounds like you had such a fun time with your girlfriends! That's cool! I'm so grateful for my sister so I can have fun times like that too! I'm thinking of having my cancer-free party at the end of summer maybe mid-late august. It would be awesome if you could make it but I know it's a long drive. I want to come visit you! I hope I can this summer. When does your school start again? I miss you!

Amy said...

I like that we have been having more girlfriend parties recently. This isn't going to stop anytime soon... the party is just beginning!

Readyforadventure said...

I sure hope the next party I can make it to. I love my friend Alena!!!

Cecile Ewell said...

Hey you, How's it going? You look great! I ran into your blog, because I have become obsessed with the blogging world:). Glad to here you are doing good!

Thomas Family said...

Hi Alena! I'm Alysia. You left a note on my blog. I'm guessing you are the friend of Heather's that she was doing the Race for? That was so nice of you to leave a note. Thanks! My sister recovered well from surgery, but had to go back to the hospital right after she got chemo cause she caught some nasty bug. But that is now underwraps and hopefully it will continue along well. Pretty scary stuff. I hate being so far away and unable to help. I hope you have family close by to be there with you. Good to meet you! Maybe we'll chat some more.

Miranda Conlin said...

Hey sexy! I love your blog and miss see your cute self around. When I get back to Cali we need to hang!

Wendy M said...

Alena! You look so good these days! I finally got my blog up to date and I tagged you in a recent post so you'll have to check it out!

Erica said...

I like that you friends get together! Too bad I am not up north so I could join the fun too. I can't get over that you all hang out together and are close friends...I'm jealous!

Ally said...

you are too cute! you put my blog to shame! :)